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Hiring Neighborhood Food Advocates


The Equitable Food Access Initiative (EFAI) and its partners are looking to hire 10 Neighborhood Food Advocates in the Northeast Corridor. These individuals should have many relationships within the community and have the ability to convene meaningful conversations with residents to gather feedback, ideas, and best practices for an inclusive planning approach that addresses food-related resources, employment needs, job training opportunities and educational attainment. This feedback will be incorporated into the Northeast Quality-of-Life and Equitable Food Access Initiative plans. We could not do this without the voice of the community. Neighborhood Food Advocates will be compensated for their expertise, time, and overall value that they bring to the process. The overall commitment will be around five to 12 months total (averaging up to 20hrs per week) with a desire that neighborhood food advocates gather feedback community events, community conversations, work with partners to achieve project goals, participate in orientation training, and attend EFAI meetings (virtual). The average stipend will be up to $1500 monthly. Commitment timeframes: 5 months, 10 months, or 12 months. Neighborhood Food Advocates must be a 18 or older and a resident, employee, or business owner located in the Northeast Corridor.

Catchment Map:

The application deadline is February 17, 2022 at 5:00pm. Interviews will begin the following week. Click here to learn more!

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Granny Naye
Granny Naye
22 feb 2022

I need help finding out more information about the position

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